Sunshine Animal Hospital opened its doors because we saw a change happening in veterinary medicine that we did not like. The care and warmth that you used to know is becoming a thing of the past. At Sunshine Animal Hospital, we will always offer the best care for your pet, but we will also work with you to tailor a plan that best fits your situation. We’re not here to sell you, we’re here to help you.
You are our sunshine
Same day appointments available
We provide exceptional care for pets, peace of mind for owners
13265 Midland Rd #180, Poway, CA, 92064 Phone: (858)326-2075
Hours: M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm Sat: 8:30am-12:30pm
Sick pets
Same day appointments available
Wellness services
– Vaccines – Exams
Surgical services
– Spaying – Neutering – Dentistry
Farm Animal Pet Services,
– Pig spays/neuters – Small ruminant neuters – C-section surgery